Chartered Insurance Professional


Registration fees

The following fees apply to the Chartered Insurance Professional program.

Fees are subject to tax (GST or HST as applicable) and are in Canadian dollars.

Effective date: August 1, 2024

CIP enrollment fee
Added to the first course registration or credit fee. Covers the cost of creating and maintaining student records.
Registration fees include cost of course materials, tuition, and examination. For in-person and online class fees, contact your local institute, community college, or human resources department.

Independent study - standard rate
From $1045 to $1120
Independent study - early registration rate
From $995 to $1070
Continued tuition - standard rate $825
Tuition & exam fee only
Continued tuition - Early registration rate $775
Tuition & exam fee only
Marine program
Contact Institute for fees
Independent study - Withdrawal fee $55
Deadlines and conditions apply.
Outside Canada student surcharge $310
No tax applicable

Exam fees

Exam fee $375
Deferral fee
Deadlines and conditions apply.
Rewrite fee $375
Withdrawal fee $55
Deadlines and conditions apply.
Exam rescheduling  $100
May vary
Appeals fee $120

Course materials

GST applies to all book sales, and shipping fees apply to all orders.

For special orders, including Marine texts, please contact the Institute.

CIP e-text kit
CIP e-text kit includes printed textbook plus electronic textbook and online resources.
Note: Electronic textbooks are being rolled out to complement the printed textbooks, and text kits featuring enhanced online resources are being introduced for all CIP courses. Once a text kit or e-text kit has been introduced for a course, purchase of the full kit is required.

CIP textbook $220
Applies only to courses for which a kit is not available
CIP text kit $280
Includes printed textbook plus online resources

Additional fees

Credit fee $65
AEC/DEC recognition
Separate exam fees apply.
Resalable textbook return  $100
Administrative fee
Transcripts $30
Certificate replacement $25
Returned cheques (NSF) $60