
Insurance Against Liability—Part 1

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About this course

To understand liability insurance, you must first know something of the law and the Canadian legal system and the differences between the common law and the Civil Code of Québec. Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 is not a law course, but it does introduce you to those legal principles that affect liability insurance. 


C13 discusses some of the more common ways people become liable to each other and explains how this liability may be insured or why it cannot be insured.

  • Introduction to Liability Insurance
  • Negligence: The ABC Rule (Common Law)
  • Defences Against Negligence in Common Law
  • Quebec: Extra-Contractual Liability
  • Quebec: Defences Against Extra-Contractual Liability
  • General Legal Principles
  • Products Liability and Its Effects
  • Standard CGL Policy
  • Declarations Page; Other Employers Liability Coverages
  • Emerging Trends in Liability Insurance

Who should register

C13: Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 is one of the building blocks of your CIP program. We recommend you take C12: Insurance on Property and C14: Automobile Insurance—Part 1 first.

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