Academic integrity policy

Academic integrity

Academic integrity is expected from members of the Insurance Institute of Canada (“the Institute”) who are undertaking courses and exams for which a grade is issued, including those that are marked on a pass/fail basis. Members of the Institute are expected to abide by the Academic Integrity policy.

Academic integrity refers to principles of honesty and ethical conduct that apply to academic activities. Everyone engaging in the Institute’s academic activities, including but not limited to students and candidates for provincial licenses, is expected to adhere to these principles. Please familiarize yourself with the following concepts and expected behaviours.


Plagiarism means presenting someone else’s ideas or work as your own. This includes reproducing content from a textbook, website, or any other source without crediting that source; copying sentences, images, charts, or other material from printed or online sources; as well as the verbal or written submission of another person’s work. It also includes sharing work or allowing someone to turn in your work as their own or paying someone to write your assignment for you.

To meet the learning objectives of an Institute course, you are expected to submit work that is expressed in your own words, demonstrating that you understand the concepts well enough to explain or discuss them.

For midterms, tests and exams, submitting content that is identical to passages in the textbook, or to any other source, is strictly prohibited.

Academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is an attempt to claim academic credits through dishonest means and can take place in a course or an exam setting. In a course setting, academic dishonesty can include:

  • Falsification or fabrication of a fact or data or a reference to a source in a work.
  • Sharing one’s own work with another student where it is reasonably foreseeable that the student may submit the work in part or in whole as their own.
  • Submitting the same work for evaluative purposes in more than one course without the knowledge and permission of the instructor or instructors involved.
In a test or exam setting, academic dishonesty can include:
  • Impersonating another person or having another person assume one’s own identity.
  • Obtaining or using exam questions and/or answers or any other resource that one is not authorized to possess.
  • Unauthorized use of materials, such as notes, textbooks, course materials, or the Internet, during a closed-book test or exam.
  • Unauthorized use of electronic devices, including, but not limited to smart phones, smart watches, and other recording and/or transmitting devices.
  • Relying on other people to provide information, either in person or through a communication device, during a test or exam.
  • Possessing or sharing test or exam questions in advance of a test or exam.
  • Copying from another person's test or exam paper.
  • Having someone else write an assignment or take a test or exam for you.
Falsifying documents, such as transcripts, whether transmitted or not to a third party, whatever the circumstances, is also considered cheating.

Confidentiality of information

You are expected to protect the privacy and integrity of confidential information that is shared with you for the purposes of your studies. Confidential information includes exam, midterm and assignment questions and answers, course work, content of in-person or online class discussions, and information shared by other students. Unless already public, all such information must be kept strictly confidential and may not be shared without the prior written permission of the Institute.


Except where otherwise indicated, course materials are copyright of The Insurance Institute of Canada and are protected by copyright law. All production, reproduction, performance, distribution, alteration, or translation is prohibited unless authorized in writing by The Insurance Institute of Canada. You are expected to similarly respect the rights of other authors and publishers whose work you access as part of your course.


You are expected to treat other students, instructors and Institute staff with courtesy and respect. This includes demonstrating inclusive and culturally-sensitive behaviours in interacting with others and creating and modeling an environment free from discrimination and harassment.

Breaches of academic integrity

Breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are subject to academic penalties including, but not limited to:
  • Reprimand
  • Requirement that a piece of work be resubmitted or that a new piece of work be submitted
  • Disqualification of an assignment or an exam
  • The award of a grade of zero
  • Suspension from the program for a predetermined amount of time
  • Expulsion from the program
  • Legal action


Integrity and professionalism are core competencies for insurance professionals and should be modelled through your education. If you are in doubt about whether an action you are considering constitutes a breach of Academic Integrity, reach out to your instructor or the Registrar for more information.